Scale Selection for the Analysis of Point-Sampled Curves
Ranjith Unnikrishnan, Jean-François Lalonde, Nicolas Vandapel and Martial Hebert
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author = { Ranjith Unnikrishnan and Jean-François Lalonde and Nicolas Vandapel and Martial Hebert },
title = { Scale Selection for the Analysis of Point-Sampled Curves },
booktitle = { 3rd Int. Conf. on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission, 3DPVT 2006 },
pages = { 1026-1033 },
address = { Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA },
year = { 2006 },
month = { June 14-16 },
web = { }
Dernière modification: 2013/10/23 par JFLAL7