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[71] Jean-Luc Arseneault, Robert Bergevin and Denis Laurendeau,
"Extraction of 2D groupings for 3D Object Recognition",
in Proceedings of SPIE Visual Information Processing III, (Orlando, FL), pp. 27-38, April 4-8 1994.
[72] Jean-Luc Arseneault, Robert Bergevin and Denis Laurendeau,
"Grouping of straight line segments and circular arcs for scene analysis",
in Proceedings of Vision Interface ’94, (Banff, Alberta), pp. 137-144, May 16-20 1994.
[73] Hervé Gagnon, Marc Soucy, Robert Bergevin and Denis Laurendeau,
"Registration of multiple range views for automatic 3D model building",
in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (Seattle, WA), pp. 581-586, June 20-23 1994.
[74] Patrick Hébert, Denis Laurendeau and Robert Bergevin,
"From 3-D Scattered Data to Geometric Signal Description: Invariant Stable Recovery of Straight Line Segments",
Int. J. of Pattern Recognition and Art. Intel., vol. 8, no 6, pp. 1319-1342, Dec. 1994.
[75] Jean-François Méthot, Denis Poussart and Robert Bergevin,
"Fusion of registered 2D intensity and 3D range data on SIMD machine",
in SPIE Sensor Fusion, (Orlando, Florida), pp. 236-247, April 15-16 1993.
[76] S.J. Dickinson, Robert Bergevin, I. Biederman, J.-O. Eklundkh, R. Munck-Fairwood and A. Pentland,
"The Use of Geons for Generic 3-D Object Recognition",
in Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (Savoie, France), pp. 1693-1699, August 30-September 3 1993.
[77] Sonia Verreault, Denis Laurendeau and Robert Bergevin,
"Pose determination for an object in a 3-D image using geometric hashing and the interpretation tree",
in Conférence canadienne de génie électrique et informatique, (Vancouver, Colombie-Britannique), pp. 755-758, septembre 1993.
[78] Robert Bergevin and M.D. Levine,
"Generic Object Recognition: Building and Matching Coarse Descriptions from Line Drawings",
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol. 15, no 1, pp. 19-36, Jan. 1993.
[79] M.D. Levine, Robert Bergevin and Q.L. Nguyen,
"Shape Description Using Geons as 3D Primitives",
in Visual Form(C. Arcelli et al. ed.), pp. 363-377, New York: Plenum Press, 1992.
[80] Robert Bergevin, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart,
"Estimating the 3D Rigid Transformation Between Two Range Views of a Complex Object",
in IAPR 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, (The Hague, Netherlands), pp. 478-482, August 30-September 3 1992.

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