Titre |
[31] |
Luc Martel and André Zaccarin, "New rule-based framework for post-processing merging in video sequence segmentation", in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, (Canada), pp. 327-330, Sept. 2000. |
[32] |
Dragan Tubic, André Zaccarin and Jean Pouliot, "Automated prostate implant seed localization from fluoroscopic images using simulated annealing", in Proceedings of IEEE Int. Conf. on Engineering in Medecine and Biology, (Chicago, USA), pp. 2782 -2786, July 2000. |
[33] |
Luc Martel and André Zaccarin, "Prioritization of region-of-interest (ROI) using embedded coding of wavelet coefficients", in Proc. SPIE Aerosense - Signal Processing, Sensor Fusion and Target Recognition VII, (Orlando, FL), pp. 235-246, April 13-15 1998. |
[34] |
Luc Martel and André Zaccarin, "Adaptive thresholding for detection of non significant vector in noisy image sequences", in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP '98), (Seattle, WA), pp. 2597-2600, May 12-15 1998. |
[35] |
Pierre-Martin Tardif and André Zaccarin, "Multiscale Auto-Regressive Image Representation for Texture Segmentation", in SPIE Electronic Imaging ‘97: Nonlinear Image Processing VIII, (San Jose, CA, USA), pp. 327-337, Feb. 1997. |
[36] |
Dam LeQuang and André Zaccarin, "Motion field and image intensity segmentation for object-oriented coding of video sequences", in SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing ‘97, (San Jose, CA, USA), pp. 711-722, Feb. 1997. |
[37] |
Pierre-Martin Tardif and André Zaccarin, "MRI Image Segmentation using Multiscale Auto-Regressive Model and 3-D Markov Random Field", in SPIE Medical Imaging ‘97: Image Processing, (Newport Beach, USA), pp. 1035-1046, Feb. 1997. |
[38] |
Mehran Yazdi and André Zaccarin, "Interframe coding using deformable triangles of variable size", in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, (Santa Barbara, CA, USA), pp. 456-459, Oct. 1997. |
[39] |
Pierre-Martin Tardif and André Zaccarin, "An interactive Java applet for teaching discrete-time system theory", in Proceedings of IEEE Frontiers in education conference, (Pittsburg, USA), pp. 1517-1520, Nov. 1997. |
[40] |
Patrice Bolduc, Jean Fortin, Paul Chevrette and André Zaccarin, "Enhancement of point-source targets in an IR staring FPA sensor", in Proc. SPIE Infrared Imaging Systems: Design, Analysis, Modeling, and Testing VII, 1996. |