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[91] Marc Soucy and Denis Laurendeau,
"A multi-resolution surface model for compact surface representation of range images",
in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation, (Nice, France), pp. 1701-1706, May 10-15 1992.
[92] Florent Parent, Marc Tremblay, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart,
"A VLSI implementation of a light sensor with embedded focal plane processing capabilities",
in Proc. of Int. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS `92), (Raleigh, NC), pp. 367-372, July 7-10 1992.
[93] Richard Lepage, Denis Laurendeau and Richard Gagnon,
"Extraction of texture features with a multi-resolution neural network",
in Proc. SPIE, Symp. on Intelligent Information Systems: Applications of Artificial Neural Networks III, (Orlando, FL), April 20-24 1992.
[94] Denis Laurendeau, Régis Houde, M. Samson and Denis Poussart,
"3-D range acquisition through differential light absorption",
IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurements, vol. 41, no 5, pp. 622-628, October 1992.
[95] Martin D'Anjou, Marc Tremblay and Denis Laurendeau,
"A VLSI implementation of a parallel analog laplacian of gaussian filter with multiple resolution levels",
in Proc. of Canadian Conférence on Very Large Scale Integration, (Halifax, NS), pp. 204-211, October 1992.
[96] Michèle Aubin, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart,
"Analysis of 3-D images of dental imprints",
in Proc. SPIE Symp. on Biomed. Optics, (Los Angeles, CA), January 1992.
[97] Denis Laurendeau, Régis Houde, M. Samson and Denis Poussart,
"3-D Range Acquisition Through Differential Light Absorption",
IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurements, vol. 41, no 5, pp. 622-628, Oct. 1992.
[98] Jean Côté, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart,
"A Multi-Operator Approach for the Segmentation of 3-D Images of Dental Imprints",
in Advances in Machine Vision(C. Archibald & E. Petriu ed.), pp. 343-360, World Scientific Publishing, 1992.
[99] Jean Côté, Clément Gosselin and Denis Laurendeau,
"A graphic simulator for the study of robotic tracking and catching operations",
in Proc. ASME 12th Int. Conf. on Computers in Engineering, (San Francisco, CA), pp. 141-146, August 2-6 1992.
[100] Robert Bergevin, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart,
"Estimating the 3D Rigid Transformation Between Two Range Views of a Complex Object",
in IAPR 11th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, (The Hague, Netherlands), pp. 478-482, August 30-September 3 1992.

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