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[781] Farkhondeh Kiaee, Reza Bahri, Mohammad Hossein Kiaee and Toseef Azid,
"A MCMC Bayesian approach to binary logistic model for Ka-band propagation effect by rain over Iran",
in Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC), 2012 Loughborough, Novembre 2012.
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[782] Farkhondeh Kiaee, Reza Bahri, Mohammad Hossein Kiaee and Toseef Azid,
"A MCMC Bayesian approach to binary logistic model for Ka-band propagation effect by rain over Iran",
in Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC), 2012 Loughborough, Novembre 2012.
download document
[783] Farkhondeh Kiaee, Reza Bahri, Mohammad Hossein Kiaee and Toseef Azid,
"A MCMC Bayesian approach to binary logistic model for Ka-band propagation effect by rain over Iran",
in Antennas and Propagation Conference (LAPC), 2012 Loughborough, Novembre 2012.
download document
[784] Guillaume Villeneuve,
Détection d'objets multi-parties par algorithme adaptatif et optimisé,
Université Laval, 10 2012.
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[785] Stefano Sfarra, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Dario Ambrosini, Domenica Paoletti and Xavier Maldague,
"Discovering the mysteries of the Santa Maria di Collemaggio Church (L’Aquila, Italy) by non-destructive testing techniques",
in QIRT’11 - 11th Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography, Naples, Italy, 11-14 June 2012.
[786] Stefano Sfarra, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Dario Ambrosini, Domenica Paoletti and Xavier Maldague,
"Discovering the mysteries of the Santa Maria di Collemaggio Church (L’Aquila, Italy) by non-destructive testing techniques",
in QIRT’11 - 11th Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography, Naples, Italy, 11-14 June 2012.
[787] Stefano Sfarra, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Dario Ambrosini, Domenica Paoletti and Xavier Maldague,
"Discovering the mysteries of the Santa Maria di Collemaggio Church (L’Aquila, Italy) by non-destructive testing techniques",
in QIRT’11 - 11th Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography, Naples, Italy, 11-14 June 2012.
[788] Stefano Sfarra, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Dario Ambrosini, Domenica Paoletti and Xavier Maldague,
"Discovering the mysteries of the Santa Maria di Collemaggio Church (L’Aquila, Italy) by non-destructive testing techniques",
in QIRT’11 - 11th Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography, Naples, Italy, 11-14 June 2012.
[789] Stefano Sfarra, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Dario Ambrosini, Domenica Paoletti and Xavier Maldague,
"Discovering the mysteries of the Santa Maria di Collemaggio Church (L’Aquila, Italy) by non-destructive testing techniques",
in QIRT’11 - 11th Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography, Naples, Italy, 11-14 June 2012.
[790] Stefano Sfarra, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Dario Ambrosini, Domenica Paoletti and Xavier Maldague,
"Discovering the mysteries of the Santa Maria di Collemaggio Church (L’Aquila, Italy) by non-destructive testing techniques",
in QIRT’11 - 11th Conference on Quantitative Infrared Thermography, Naples, Italy, 11-14 June 2012.

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