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[121] Mahdieh Abbasi and Christian Gagné,
"Robustness to Adversarial Examples through an Ensemble of Specialists",
in International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), Workshop Track, 4 2017.
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[122] Mathieu Garon and Jean-François Lalonde,
"Deep 6-DOF Tracking",
ArXiv e-prints, vol. 1703.09771, 2017.
[123] Mathieu Garon and Jean-François Lalonde,
"Deep 6-DOF Tracking",
ArXiv e-prints, vol. 1703.09771, 2017.
[124] Mathieu Garon, Pierre-Olivier Boulet, Jean-Philippe Doironz, Luc Beaulieu and Jean-François Lalonde,
" Real-Time High Resolution 3D Data on the HoloLens",
in IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Adjunct, vol. Science and Technology Posters of Real-Time High Resolution 3D Data on the HoloLens, (Merida, Yucatan, Mexico), pp. 189-191, September 19-23 2016.
[125] Mathieu Garon, Pierre-Olivier Boulet, Jean-Philippe Doironz, Luc Beaulieu and Jean-François Lalonde,
" Real-Time High Resolution 3D Data on the HoloLens",
in IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Adjunct, vol. Science and Technology Posters of Real-Time High Resolution 3D Data on the HoloLens, (Merida, Yucatan, Mexico), pp. 189-191, September 19-23 2016.
[126] Mathieu Garon, Pierre-Olivier Boulet, Jean-Philippe Doironz, Luc Beaulieu and Jean-François Lalonde,
" Real-Time High Resolution 3D Data on the HoloLens",
in IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Adjunct, vol. Science and Technology Posters of Real-Time High Resolution 3D Data on the HoloLens, (Merida, Yucatan, Mexico), pp. 189-191, September 19-23 2016.
[127] Mathieu Garon, Pierre-Olivier Boulet, Jean-Philippe Doironz, Luc Beaulieu and Jean-François Lalonde,
" Real-Time High Resolution 3D Data on the HoloLens",
in IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Adjunct, vol. Science and Technology Posters of Real-Time High Resolution 3D Data on the HoloLens, (Merida, Yucatan, Mexico), pp. 189-191, September 19-23 2016.
[128] Mathieu Garon, Pierre-Olivier Boulet, Jean-Philippe Doironz, Luc Beaulieu and Jean-François Lalonde,
" Real-Time High Resolution 3D Data on the HoloLens",
in IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality - Adjunct, vol. Science and Technology Posters of Real-Time High Resolution 3D Data on the HoloLens, (Merida, Yucatan, Mexico), pp. 189-191, September 19-23 2016.
[129] Yannick Hold-Geoffroy, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Sunil Hadap, Emiliano Gambaretto and Jean-François Lalonde,
"Deep Outdoor Illumination Estimation",
ArXiv e-prints, vol. 1611.06403, 2016.
[130] Yannick Hold-Geoffroy, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Sunil Hadap, Emiliano Gambaretto and Jean-François Lalonde,
"Deep Outdoor Illumination Estimation",
ArXiv e-prints, vol. 1611.06403, 2016.

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