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[981] Denis Dion Jr, Antoine Escobar, Jacques Tremblay and Denis Laurendeau,
"Development of educational tools: a web-oriented approach",
in 1997 Frontiers in Education Conf. - Teaching and Learning in an Era of Change, (Pittsburgh, PA, USA), Nov. 5-8 1997.
[982] Denis Dion Jr, Antoine Escobar, Jacques Tremblay and Denis Laurendeau,
"Development of educational tools: a web-oriented approach",
in 1997 Frontiers in Education Conf. - Teaching and Learning in an Era of Change, (Pittsburgh, PA, USA), Nov. 5-8 1997.
[983] Xavier Maldague and Jean-Pierre Couturier,
"Review of Pulsed Phase Thermography",
in IV Workshop on Advances in Infrared Technology(L.R. Abbozzo, G.M. Carlomagno C. Corsi ed.), (Florence, Italy), pp. 271-286, Atti della Fondazione G. Ronchi, Firenze, Sept. 15-16 1997.
[984] Xavier Maldague and Jean-Pierre Couturier,
"Review of Pulsed Phase Thermography",
in IV Workshop on Advances in Infrared Technology(L.R. Abbozzo, G.M. Carlomagno C. Corsi ed.), (Florence, Italy), pp. 271-286, Atti della Fondazione G. Ronchi, Firenze, Sept. 15-16 1997.
[985] Xavier Maldague and Jean-Pierre Couturier,
"Review of Pulsed Phase Thermography",
in IV Workshop on Advances in Infrared Technology(L.R. Abbozzo, G.M. Carlomagno C. Corsi ed.), (Florence, Italy), pp. 271-286, Atti della Fondazione G. Ronchi, Firenze, Sept. 15-16 1997.
[986] Nathalie Bertrand, B. Lepoutre, Jacques Tremblay and Xavier Maldague,
"Inspection of Aluminum Extrusion Ingots by 3-D-Vision",
in Fringe 97(W.Osten, W. Jüptner ed.), pp. 250-252, Akademie Verlag Series in Optical Metrology, 1997.
[987] Nathalie Bertrand, B. Lepoutre, Jacques Tremblay and Xavier Maldague,
"Inspection of Aluminum Extrusion Ingots by 3-D-Vision",
in Fringe 97(W.Osten, W. Jüptner ed.), pp. 250-252, Akademie Verlag Series in Optical Metrology, 1997.
[988] Nathalie Bertrand, B. Lepoutre, Jacques Tremblay and Xavier Maldague,
"Inspection of Aluminum Extrusion Ingots by 3-D-Vision",
in Fringe 97(W.Osten, W. Jüptner ed.), pp. 250-252, Akademie Verlag Series in Optical Metrology, 1997.
[989] Nathalie Bertrand, B. Lepoutre, Jacques Tremblay and Xavier Maldague,
"Inspection of Aluminum Extrusion Ingots by 3-D-Vision",
in Fringe 97(W.Osten, W. Jüptner ed.), pp. 250-252, Akademie Verlag Series in Optical Metrology, 1997.
[990] Nathalie Bertrand, B. Lepoutre, Jacques Tremblay and Xavier Maldague,
"Inspection of Aluminum Extrusion Ingots by 3-D-Vision",
in Fringe 97(W.Osten, W. Jüptner ed.), pp. 250-252, Akademie Verlag Series in Optical Metrology, 1997.

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