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[941] Xavier Maldague, Jean-Pierre Couturier, Antonio Salerno and D. Wu,
"Phase Analysis in Pulsed Thermography",
Can. Soc. J. of NDT, vol. 19, no 4, pp. 5-10, July/Aug. 1997.
[942] Xavier Maldague, Jean-Pierre Couturier, Antonio Salerno and D. Wu,
"Phase Analysis in Pulsed Thermography",
Can. Soc. J. of NDT, vol. 19, no 4, pp. 5-10, July/Aug. 1997.
[943] Xavier Maldague, Jean-Pierre Couturier, Antonio Salerno and D. Wu,
"Phase Analysis in Pulsed Thermography",
Can. Soc. J. of NDT, vol. 19, no 4, pp. 5-10, July/Aug. 1997.
[944] Xavier Maldague, Jean-Pierre Couturier, Antonio Salerno and D. Wu,
"Phase Analysis in Pulsed Thermography",
Can. Soc. J. of NDT, vol. 19, no 4, pp. 5-10, July/Aug. 1997.
[945] Jean-François Pelletier and Xavier Maldague,
"Shape from Heating: A Two-Dimensional Approach for Shape Extraction in Infrared Images",
Optical Engineering, vol. 36, no 2, pp. 371-375, Feb. 1997.
[946] Jean-François Pelletier and Xavier Maldague,
"Shape from Heating: A Two-Dimensional Approach for Shape Extraction in Infrared Images",
Optical Engineering, vol. 36, no 2, pp. 371-375, Feb. 1997.
[947] Jean-François Pelletier and Xavier Maldague,
"Shape from Heating: A Two-Dimensional Approach for Shape Extraction in Infrared Images",
Optical Engineering, vol. 36, no 2, pp. 371-375, Feb. 1997.
[948] Sergio Marinetti, Xavier Maldague and M. Prystay,
"Calibration Procedure of Focal Plane Array Cameras and noise Equivalent Material Loss for Quantitative Thermographic NDT",
Materials Evaluation, vol. 55, no 3, pp. 407-412, Mar. 1997.
[949] Sergio Marinetti, Xavier Maldague and M. Prystay,
"Calibration Procedure of Focal Plane Array Cameras and noise Equivalent Material Loss for Quantitative Thermographic NDT",
Materials Evaluation, vol. 55, no 3, pp. 407-412, Mar. 1997.
[950] Sergio Marinetti, Xavier Maldague and M. Prystay,
"Calibration Procedure of Focal Plane Array Cameras and noise Equivalent Material Loss for Quantitative Thermographic NDT",
Materials Evaluation, vol. 55, no 3, pp. 407-412, Mar. 1997.

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