Titre |
[671] |
Patrick Hébert, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart, "Surface Profile Description: Reliable Geometric Primitive Extraction", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (12th IAPR), (Jérusalem, Israel), pp. 258-263, Oct. 1994. |
[672] |
Patrick Hébert, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart, "Surface Profile Description: Reliable Geometric Primitive Extraction", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (12th IAPR), (Jérusalem, Israel), pp. 258-263, Oct. 1994. |
[673] |
Patrick Hébert, Denis Laurendeau and Denis Poussart, "Surface Profile Description: Reliable Geometric Primitive Extraction", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (12th IAPR), (Jérusalem, Israel), pp. 258-263, Oct. 1994. |
[674] |
Hervé Gagnon, Marc Soucy, Robert Bergevin and Denis Laurendeau, "Registration of multiple range views for automatic 3D model building", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, (Seattle, WA), pp. 581-586, June 20-23 1994. |
[675] |
Jean-Luc Arseneault, Robert Bergevin and Denis Laurendeau, "Grouping of straight line segments and circular arcs for scene analysis", in Proceedings of Vision Interface ’94, (Banff, Alberta), pp. 137-144, May 16-20 1994. |
[676] |
Jean-Luc Arseneault, Robert Bergevin and Denis Laurendeau, "Extraction of 2D groupings for 3D Object Recognition", in Proceedings of SPIE Visual Information Processing III, (Orlando, FL), pp. 27-38, April 4-8 1994. |
[677] |
Robert Bergevin, "Integrated hardware implementations for digital systems", in Advances in Signal Processing for Nondestructive Evaluation of Materials(X.P.V. Maldague ed.), vol. 262 of X.P.V. Maldague, NATO ASI Series, Series E: Applied Sciences, pp. 417, publisher, 1994. |
[678] |
V. Vavilov and Xavier Maldague, "Optimization of Heating Protocol in Thermal NDT: Back to the Basics", Research in NonDestructive Evaluation, vol. 6, no 1, pp. 1-18, 1994. |
[679] |
V. Vavilov and Xavier Maldague, "Optimization of Heating Protocol in Thermal NDT: Back to the Basics", Research in NonDestructive Evaluation, vol. 6, no 1, pp. 1-18, 1994. |
[680] |
V. Vavilov and Xavier Maldague, "Optimization of Heating Protocol in Thermal NDT: Back to the Basics", Research in NonDestructive Evaluation, vol. 6, no 1, pp. 1-18, 1994. |