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[1001] Dam LeQuang and André Zaccarin,
"Motion field and image intensity segmentation for object-oriented coding of video sequences",
in SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing ‘97, (San Jose, CA, USA), pp. 711-722, Feb. 1997.
[1002] Dam LeQuang and André Zaccarin,
"Motion field and image intensity segmentation for object-oriented coding of video sequences",
in SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing ‘97, (San Jose, CA, USA), pp. 711-722, Feb. 1997.
[1003] Pierre-Martin Tardif and André Zaccarin,
"Multiscale Auto-Regressive Image Representation for Texture Segmentation",
in SPIE Electronic Imaging ‘97: Nonlinear Image Processing VIII, (San Jose, CA, USA), pp. 327-337, Feb. 1997.
[1004] Pierre-Martin Tardif and André Zaccarin,
"Multiscale Auto-Regressive Image Representation for Texture Segmentation",
in SPIE Electronic Imaging ‘97: Nonlinear Image Processing VIII, (San Jose, CA, USA), pp. 327-337, Feb. 1997.
[1005] Pierre-Martin Tardif and André Zaccarin,
"Multiscale Auto-Regressive Image Representation for Texture Segmentation",
in SPIE Electronic Imaging ‘97: Nonlinear Image Processing VIII, (San Jose, CA, USA), pp. 327-337, Feb. 1997.
[1006] D. Wu, Antonio Salerno, J. Sembach, Xavier Maldague, J. Rantala and Gerd Busse,
"Lockin Thermographic Inspection of Wood Particle Boards",
in SPIE: Thermosense XIX, (SPIE: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers)(R.N. Wurzbach, D.D. Burleigh ed.), (Orlando, Fl), pp. 230-234, April 1997.
[1007] D. Wu, Antonio Salerno, J. Sembach, Xavier Maldague, J. Rantala and Gerd Busse,
"Lockin Thermographic Inspection of Wood Particle Boards",
in SPIE: Thermosense XIX, (SPIE: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers)(R.N. Wurzbach, D.D. Burleigh ed.), (Orlando, Fl), pp. 230-234, April 1997.
[1008] D. Wu, Antonio Salerno, J. Sembach, Xavier Maldague, J. Rantala and Gerd Busse,
"Lockin Thermographic Inspection of Wood Particle Boards",
in SPIE: Thermosense XIX, (SPIE: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers)(R.N. Wurzbach, D.D. Burleigh ed.), (Orlando, Fl), pp. 230-234, April 1997.
[1009] D. Wu, Antonio Salerno, J. Sembach, Xavier Maldague, J. Rantala and Gerd Busse,
"Lockin Thermographic Inspection of Wood Particle Boards",
in SPIE: Thermosense XIX, (SPIE: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers)(R.N. Wurzbach, D.D. Burleigh ed.), (Orlando, Fl), pp. 230-234, April 1997.
[1010] D. Wu, Antonio Salerno, J. Sembach, Xavier Maldague, J. Rantala and Gerd Busse,
"Lockin Thermographic Inspection of Wood Particle Boards",
in SPIE: Thermosense XIX, (SPIE: Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers)(R.N. Wurzbach, D.D. Burleigh ed.), (Orlando, Fl), pp. 230-234, April 1997.

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