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17-08-2007Real–Time Robot Manipulation Using Mouth Gestures in Facial Video SequencesAutomated Reverse Engineering of Free Formed Objects Using Morse Theory Résumé Real–Time Robot Manipulation Using Mouth Gestures in Facial Video Sequences A novel method for the automatic command of three degrees of freedom of a robot using mouth gestures is presented. The method uses a set of different pixel–based segmentation algorithms and morphological restrictions in order to extract the mouth area from the frames. A fuzzy inference system is then used in order to produce a small subset of discriminant features for gesture classification. A state machine was designed in order to stabilize the robot command task by using a temporal sliding mean on the detected gestures. Experimental results show that the method is both robust and reliable when operated by different people, and fast enough to keep the detection’s rate in real–time. Automated Reverse Engineering of Free Formed Objects Using Morse Theory A method for surface reconstruction by means of optimized NURBS (Non-Uniform Rational B-Splines) patches from complex quadrilateral bases on triangulated surfaces of arbitrary topology is proposed. To decompose the triangulated surface into quadrilateral patches, Morse theory and spectral mesh analysis are used. The quadrilateral regions obtained from this analysis are then regularized by computing the geodesic curves between each corner of the quadrilateral regions. These geodesics are then fitted by B-splines curves creating a quadrilateral network on which a NURBS surface is fitted. The NURBS surfaces are then optimized using evolutive strategies to guaranty the best fit as well as C1 continuity between the patches.
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