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[1] Antoine Escobar and Denis Laurendeau,
"3D Tracking Using the Hausdorff Distance",
in Proc. 10th IMDSP Workshop, (Alpbach, Austria), pp. 191-194, July 12-16 1998.
[2] Antoine Escobar and Denis Laurendeau,
"Registration of Free-Form Objects from 3D Edge Images Using the Hausdorff Distance",
in Proc. MVA 98, (Japan), Nov. 1998.
[3] Denis Dion Jr, Antoine Escobar, Jacques Tremblay and Denis Laurendeau,
"Development of educational tools: a web-oriented approach",
in 1997 Frontiers in Education Conf. - Teaching and Learning in an Era of Change, (Pittsburgh, PA, USA), Nov. 5-8 1997.
[4] Antoine Escobar, Denis Laurendeau, Jean Côté and Patrick Hébert,
"Tracking and Grasping Moving Objects from Range Data",
in ISATA Conference, (Florence Italy), pp. 77-84, June 1997.
[5] Denis Boulanger, J. Laurent, Antoine Escobar and Xavier Maldague,
"Détection automatique des défauts de fabrication de boutons",
in Can. Conf. in Elect. and Comput. Eng., (Québec, QC), pp. 49.3.1 - 49.3.4, Sept. 25 -27 1991.

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