Titre |
[1] |
Marc Grenier, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo and Xavier Maldague, "Development of a hybrid non-destructive inspection system combining induction thermography and eddy current techniques", in QIRT 10th – Quantitative Infrared Thermography(X. P. V. Maldague ed.), (Quebec City, Canada), pp. 931-932, July 27-30 2010. |
[2] |
Marc Grenier, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Florent Luneau, Abdel Hakim Bendada and Xavier Maldague, "Field concentrator coil used for power optimization in eddy current thermography inspection", in Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, vol. 1211 of AIP Conf. Proc., (University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI, USA), pp. 361-368, February 2010. |
[3] |
Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Nicolas P. Avdelidis, Marc Grenier, Xavier Maldague and Abdel Hakim Bendada, "Active thermography signal processing techniques for defect detection and characterization on composite materials", in Thermosense XXXII, vol. 7661 of SPIE, (Orlando, FL, USA), April 2010. |
[4] |
Xavier Maldague, Waël Ben Larbi, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Marc Grenier, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Matthieu Klein, Abbas-ali Saboktakin and Adel Ziadi, "Recent Research Advances with Industry Transfer in Infrared Technology", in AITA 2009 - Advanced Infrared Technology & Applications / Communication abstract, (Florence, Italy), September 2009. |
[5] |
Marc Genest, Farid Mabrouki, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Marc Grenier, Waël Ben Larbi, Abdel Hakim Bendada, Xavier Maldague and Abbas Fahr, "Comparison of thermography techniques for inspection of fiber metal laminates", in 18th annual ASNT Research Symposium & Spring Conference / Communication abstract, (St. Louis, MO, USA), March 2009. |
[6] |
Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Ermanno Grinzato, Sergio Marinetti, Paolo G. Bison, Nicolas P. Avdelidis, Marc Grenier, Jean-Marc Piau, Abdel Hakim Bendada and Xavier Maldague, "Quantitative assessment of aerospace materials by active thermography techniques", in Proc. QIRT 9 – Quantitative Infrared Thermography, (Krakow, Poland), pp. 515-516, July 2-5 2008. |
[7] |
Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo, Marc Genest, Marc Grenier, Jean-Marc Piau, Abdel Hakim Bendada and Xavier Maldague, "Active infrared thermography with applications", IEEE Canadian Review / La revue canadienne de l'IEEE, vol. 57, pp. 8-12, Spring / Printemps 2008. |