Capteurs et modélisation 3D Réalité virtuelle et simulation Thermographie et vision infrarouge Traitement de sequences video Trier par date dans l'ordre decroissant
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[1] |
François Bernier, Denis Laurendeau, François Rioux and François-Michel De Rainville, "Multichronia - Interactive Simulation to Increase Complex System Understanding", in 2010 NATO Mod. and Sim. Group Workshop, (Ottawa, Canada), February 2010. |
[2] |
François Rioux, François Bernier and Denis Laurendeau, "Visualizing and Interacting with Multiple Simulations Using the Multichronic Tree", Int. Jour. of Computer Aided Eng. and Tech. (IJCAT), Special Issue on Simulation and Modeling, vol. 2, no 1, 52-65 2010. |
[3] |
François Rioux, François Bernier and Denis Laurendeau, "Multichronia - a Generic Visual Interactive Simulation Exploration Framework", in Interservice/Industry Training, Simulation and Education Conf. (IITSEC), (Orlando, FL, selected as Continuing Education Unit (CEU) paper), Dec. 1-4 2008. |
[4] |
François Rioux, François Bernier and Denis Laurendeau, "Visual Interactive Simulation and Data Farming: How Can They Coexist?", in International Data Farming Workshop 16,, (Monterey, Calif.), April 13-18 2008. |
[5] |
François Rioux, François Bernier and Denis Laurendeau, "Design and Implementation of an XML-Based, Technology-Unified Data Pipeline for Interactive Simulation", in Winter Simulation Conference, (Miami, Florida), Dec. 7-10 2008. |