Titre |
[1] |
Jean-Marc Schwartz, Marc Denninger, Denis Rancourt, Christian Moisan and Denis Laurendeau, "Modeling Liver Tissue Properties Using a Non-Linear Visco-Elastic Model for Surgery Simulation", Medical Image Analysis Journal, vol. 9, pp. 103-112, 2005. |
[2] |
Romain Fournials, A. Traoré, Denis Laurendeau and Christian Moisan, "An Analytic Method to Predict the Thermal Map of Cryosurgery Iceballs in MR Images", IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 23, no 1, pp. 122-129, January 2004. |
[3] |
Luc Hébert, Helene Moffet, Marie Dufour, Christian Moisan, Alexandra Branzan-Albu and Denis Laurendeau, "L’utilisation de l’Imagerie de Résonance Magnétique d’Intervention: une technologie novatrice en plein développement et dont les applications sont fort prometteuses", in Congress of Interallied Confederation of Medical Reserve Officers (CIOMR/NATO), (Vienna, Austria), July 26-31 2004. |
[4] |
Alexandra Branzan-Albu, Denis Laurendeau, Luc Hébert, Helene Moffet, Marie Dufour and Christian Moisan, "Image-Guided Analysis of Shoulder Pathologies: Modeling the 3D Deformation of the Subacromial Space during Arm Flexion and Abduction ", in International Symposium on Medical Simulation (ISMS 2004)(Stephane Cotin, Dimitris Metaxas ed.), vol. 1 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Cambridge, MA, USA), pp. 193-202, Springer Verlag, June 17-18 2004. |
[5] |
Alexandra Branzan-Albu, Denis Laurendeau, Christian Moisan and Denis Rancourt, "SKALPEL-ICT: Simulation Kernel Applied to the Planning and Evaluation of Image-Guided Cryotherapy", in Medical Robotics, Navigation and Visualization (MRNV 2004), (RheinAhrCampus Remagen, Germany), March 11-12 2004. |
[6] |
Alexandra Branzan-Albu, Denis Laurendeau, Luc Hébert, Helene Moffet and Christian Moisan, "Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of the Bony Structures Involved in the Articular Complex of the Human Shoulder Using Shape-based Interpolation and Contour-Based Extrapolation", in Forth International Conference on 3D Digital Imaging and Modeling (3DIM2003)(Mike Williams ed.), (Banff, Alberta, Canada), pp. 370-377, IEEE Computer Society, Oct 6-10 2003. |
[7] |
Alexandra Branzan-Albu, Jean-Marc Schwartz, Denis Laurendeau and Christian Moisan, "Integrating geometric and biomechanical models of a liver tumour for cryosurgery simulation", in IS4TM : International Symposium on Surgery Simulation and Soft Tissue Modelling, (Juan-Les-Pins, France), juin 12-13 2003. |
[8] |
Romain Fournials, A. Traoré, Denis Laurendeau and Christian Moisan, "MR-Guided Cryosurgery: Evaluation of the Freezing Process based on New Analytic Method", in Proc. Cryo 2002, (Breckenridge Resort, CO), June 27-30 2002. |
[9] |
Jean-Marc Schwartz, Marc Dellinger, Denis Rancourt, Christian Moisan and Denis Laurendeau, "Modelling liver tissue properties for surgery simulation using a non-linear viscoelastic tissue model", in Proc. MS4CMS '02 (Modelling & Simulation for Computer-aided Medicine and Surgery), vol. 12 of ESAIM Proceedings, (INRIA Rocquencourt, France), pp. 146-153, Nov. 12 - 15 2002. |
[10] |
F. Laflamme, Denis Laurendeau, Christian Moisan and R. Roy, "MOSAIC: a numerical model for the reflection of photons on a rough dielectric surface", in Proc. SPIE Photonic North, (Quebec, Canada), June 2-6 2002. |