Capteurs et modélisation 3D Réalité virtuelle et simulation Thermographie et vision infrarouge Traitement de sequences video Trier par date dans l'ordre decroissant
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[1] |
Amar El Maadi, Vincent Grégoire, Louis St-Laurent, Hélène Torresan, Benoît Turgeon, D. Prévost, Patrick Hébert, Denis Laurendeau, Benoît Ricard and Xavier Maldague, "Visible and Infrared Imagery for Surveillance Applications: Software and Hardware Considerations", Journal QIRT, vol. 4, no 1, pp. 25-40, 2007. |
[2] |
Xavier Maldague, Hélène Torresan, Amar El Maadi, Jean-Marc Piau, Stéphane Guibert, Mirela Susa, Clemente Ibarra-Castanedo and Abdel Hakim Bendada, "Visible and Infrared Imagery for Surveillance Applications: Software and Hardware Considerations", in QIRT 8 – Quantitative Infrared Thermography, (Padova, Italy), June 28-30 2006. |
[3] |
Amar El Maadi and Xavier Maldague, "Classifying tracked objects and their interactions using IR spectrum", in Proceedings of CCECE - Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, (Ottawa (Canada)), pp. (Notification d'acceptation reçue le 20 Fevrier 2006), 7-10 Mai 2006. |
[4] |
Amar El Maadi and Xavier Maldague, "Outdoor Infrared Video Surveillance: A novel dynamic technique for the subtraction of a changing background of IR images", Journal of Infrared Physics and Technology, pp. sous presse, 2006. |
[5] |
Amar El Maadi, Vincent Grégoire, Masood Jahan Mir, Lubna Semlaji, Yves St-Onge and Xavier Maldague, "Application of TNDE for Shuttle's thermal protective system inspection", in 14th International THERMO Conference, (Budapest (Hongrie)), 22-24 Juin 2005. |
[6] |
Amar El Maadi and Xavier Maldague, "An adaptive system for outdoor infrared video", in The 8th International Workshop on Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications (AITA): Image Evaluation & Data Processing, (Roma, Italie), 7-9 Septembre 2005. |