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[1] Xavier Maldague, V. Shiryaev, Éric Boisvert and V. Vavilov,
"Transient thermal NDT of defects in aluminum panels",
in SPIE Thermosense XVII(S. A. Semanovich ed.), (Orlando, FL), pp. 233-243, April 19-21 1995.
[2] Xavier Maldague, Emmanuel Barker, A. Nouah, Éric Boisvert, B. Dufort and L. Fortin,
"On methods for shape correction and reconstruction in thermographic NDT",
in Advances in signal processing for Non Destructive Evaluation of Materials OTAN-NATO Advanced Research Workshop(Xavier Maldague ed.), vol. E - 262 of NATO-OTAN Advanced Sciences Institute Series, (Québec, QC), pp. 209-224, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 17 - 20 Aug. 1994.
[3] Xavier Maldague, Emmanuel Barker, A. Nouah, Éric Boisvert, B. Dufort, L. Fortin and Denis Laurendeau,
"On Methods for Shape Correction and Reconstruction in Themographic NDE",
in Advanced Infrared Technology and Applications Workshop(L.R. Abbozzo, G.M. Carlomagno C. Corsi ed.), (Capri, Italie), pp. 91-98, Atti della Fondazione G. Ronchi, Firenze, Sept. 20-21 1993.

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