Projector-Based Dual-Resolution Stereoscopic Display
Our stereoscopic setup. (left) two projectors, (right) adding insets with two additional projectors, from the same eye positions. |
We present a stereoscopic display system which incorporates a high-resolution inset image, or fovea. We describe the specific problem of false depth cues along the boundaries of the inset image, and propose a solution in which the boundaries of the inset image are dynamically adapted as a function of the geometry of the scene. This method produces comfortable stereoscopic viewing at a low additional computational cost. The four projectors need only be approximately aligned: a single drawing pass is required, regardless of projector alignment, since the warping is applied as part of the 3-D rendering process.
IEEE Virtual Reality Conference, 2004
Immersive Projection Technology Workshop, 2004
Parts of this work previously appeared at the Eighth Immersive Projection Technology Workshop in 2004.
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